Why Is Coaxial Cable Good for Radio Transmission?

Coaxial cables are used as a transmission line for radio frequency (RF) signals. Applications include wiring connecting radio transmitters and receivers to their antennas, computer network cabling Plantation connections, digital audio, and the distribution of cable television signals. Coaxial cables have an obvious advantage over other types of radio transmission lines. In a good coaxial cable, the electromagnetic field that transmits the signal exists only in the space between the inner conductor and the outer conductive shield. For this reason, coaxial cables may be installed next to metal objects without loss of performance in other types of radio transmission lines.

Widely used coaxial connector types:

The audio, digital, video, RF, and microwave industries offer a variety of Ethernet cable connector types, each designed for a specific purpose and application. One consideration concerns the number of link-disconnect cycles that a link pair can endure while still operating as expected. Here are some common coaxial connector types.

The powerful fiber optic cable:

The fiber optic cabling is an excellent transmission medium for high data capacity and long distance support. It is indispensable in every fiber network. It has a fiber / glass core inside a rubber outer coating and uses light rays instead of electrical signals to pass data. Since the light does not diminish over the distance, as is the case with electrical signals, this wiring can be done for distances in kilometers at transmission speeds.


This is a quick guide to the common types of network cables and connectors. A more detailed interpretation of the above cables can also be found on our site or you can search them on the Internet. Knowing the network and communication cables will be useful in our daily lives as well as in network design, as the range includes both home cables and cables for large infrastructures.

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