Privacy Policy

While we have made no significant changes to the way we process information about our users, we have updated this policy to make it shorter and more concise and to comply with the EU Data Protection Regulation, which will come into force on 25 May 2018.

Thank you for joining the world’s largest online learning market. We at Online Cabling Wiring, Inc. (” Online Cabling Wiring “, “we”, “us”) respect your privacy and want you to understand how we collect, use and share information about you. This privacy policy covers our data collection practices and describes your rights to access, rectify or restrict your use of personal information.

Unless we refer to a different policy or status, this privacy policy applies when you visit or use the Online Cabling Wiring Web site, mobile applications, APIs, or related services (the “Services”).

By using the Services, you agree to the terms of this Privacy Policy. You should not use the Services if you disagree with this Privacy Policy or any other agreement that governs your use of the Services.

  1. What data do we receive?
    We collect certain data directly from you, eg. For example, information you enter yourself includes information about your participation in courses and data from third-party platforms that connect to Online Cabling Wiring . We also collect some data automatically, eg. For example, information about your device and the parts of our services that you interact with or use.
    1.1 Data you provide us
    Depending on how you use the Services, we may collect different information from or about you. Here are some examples to help you better understand the information we collect.

When you create an account and use the Services, even through a third-party platform, we collect all the information you provide directly, including:

Account information In order to use certain functions (eg registering for a course), you must create a user account. When you create or update an account, we collect and store the information you provide, such as your email address, password, gender and date of birth, and provide you with a unique identification number (“Account Information”).
Profile Data You can also provide profile information such as photos, headlines, website links, social media profiles, or other data. Your profile data can be viewed publicly by others.
Shared Content You can use parts of the Services to interact with other users or to share content publicly, such as: For example, posting reviews on a class page, asking or answering questions, sending messages to students or faculty, or posting photos or other work uploaded by you. Such shared content may be publicly visible to others depending on where it is published.
Course Data When you sign up and take courses, we collect certain data, including the courses, tasks and tests that you have started and completed. Your exchange with teachers, teaching assistants and other students; and essays, answers to questions, and other items submitted to meet the course requirements.
Student Payments Data When you make purchases, we collect certain data about your purchase (such as your name and postal code) as needed to process your order. You must provide certain payment and billing information directly to our payment processing partners, including your name, credit card information, billing address and postal code. For security reasons, Online Cabling Wiring does not collect or store sensitive cardholder data such as full credit card numbers or card authentication data.
Instructor Payment Information If you are an Instructor, you can link your PayPal, Payoneer, or other payment account with the Services to receive payments. When you link a payment account, we collect and use certain information, including your payment account email address, account ID, physical address, or other information required to send payments to your account. To comply with applicable laws, we also work with trusted third parties who collect tax information to the extent required by law. This control information may include residence information, tax numbers, biographical information and other personal information required for tax purposes. For security reasons, Online Cabling Wiring does not collect or store any confidential bank account information. The collection, use and disclosure of your payment, billing and tax information is governed by the Privacy Policy.

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